Cheshire Face mask: This is a one-piece design intended to be held on the face with an elastic strap. This face mask was 3d sculpted and modeled in Zbrush by Dark Knight FX.
Default file is sized to fit snug on a 22" head. You can however scale the file as you wish in your 3d slicing software prior to printing. Item is available for immediate download after purchase. Any updates\upgrades that occur to this product\model will be uploaded to the listing and available for download to the buyer.
NOTE: this is a DIGITAL PRODUCT. You WILL NOT receive a physical product. The model has been properly processed and is ready for 3d printing.
File Format: STL
License: Personal Use \ Non-Commercial*
*A personal use license will grant you the right to use the 3d model for personal purposes. For example, you can print it out to wear, use as decoration or as something that you're going to offer as a gift. You're free to use the design however you want as long as you don’t make a profit out of it.
Beware that personal use licenses are meant to be used by individual persons. This means you cannot use the content as part of your advertising campaigns and other business-related activities without getting permission and giving design credit to Dark Knight FX.
If you wish to inquire about a commercial use license, then please send us an email at thedarkknightfx@gmail.com
We are in no way affiliated with Warner Brothers, Disney, Marvel or DC Comics. I design my items to look aggressive and cool, but generic enough to be used in several different character cosplays dependent on the execution of the paintjob. Any likeness to past or existing characters is purely coincidental as the designs and 3d sculpts are my own. Items are available in a variety of colors, but I choose to display my items painted red because it’s a popular color choice and can be utilized as an alternative stand in prop for a variety of different hero/villain variant costumes. My main point being that it should not be assumed that all red helmets are owned by a certain studio or affiliated with a certain character.